Recommendation of James P. Simpson

When Jim wrote this recommendation for me, he had recently moved to a new position at Intrepid Learning Solutions from Iron Mountain Off Site Data Protection. In the letter he said he “would welcome the opportunity to work with him [me] again.”

I did work with Jim again after he made an internal recommendation to hire me at Intrepid Learning Solutions. Originally, I created online training for Boeing at the Everett, Washington, plant for Intrepid. Later, I worked in the Seattle office and Jim became my manager.

In a related item, the editor who checked my work at Intrepid later hired me as a copy writer at AT&T Mobility. I was the only person to submit a work module where she did not find an error.

Here is the text transcribed, with Jim’s former address and telephone number redacted. (After retirement, he moved.)

Recommendation letter

James P. Simpson
[Former address redacted]

April 29, 2004

Subject: Letter of Recommendation for Mr. Robert Chapman

To Whom it May Concern:

Bob and I worked together in the IT ā€” Course Development and Documentation group of the Iron Mountain corporation from July 21st, 2000, until recently (April 19th, 2001). During that time. Bob and I collaborated on many projects completing documentation and training material to support strategic in-house business applications. Many of these projects were developed and completed within very ambitious timelines and milestones.

I was quite impressed by Bobs’ [sic] ability to complete all assigned work to him on time, if not before it was due. His writing was always thorough and comprehensive, and his fact checking always accurate. His writing is clear, concise, and evocative.

From a fellow co-workers perspective, Bob is a conscientious, able employee with a very diligent work ethic. Bob would be excellent addition to any organization requiring clear and concise technical writing/editing. I strongly recommend Bob for your consideration, and would welcome the opportunity to work with him again. If you would care for further information regarding Bob, please feel free to call me at [former telephone number redacted].


James P. Simpson
Instructional Designer
Intrepid Learning Solutions

From this letter copied to PDF